Goodness Me, Goodness You!
Goodness Me, Goodness You! (GMGY) is a multi-belief and values curriculum that has been developed for Community National Schools in collaboration with children, parents and teachers of the schools, the local Education and Training Boards, the Education and Training Board of Ireland, the Department of Education and Skills and assisted by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Please click here to view the video ‘What is GMGY?’
What is GMGY Implementation?
The Goodness Me, Goodness You! Curriculum for junior infants – 6th class was launched in 2018 in the Department of Education and Skills. Since then, CNSs have been trialling this new patrons’ curriculum in their schools.
To support CNSs with teaching and learning of GMGY, Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), in conjunction with the GMGY Coordinators’ and CNS Principals’ Network Groups, have developed Phase 1 of an Implementation Plan for the curriculum. Our GMGY coordinator at Lucan CNS is M. Sarah.
The aims of this implementation plan are to:
- increase schools’ appreciation of the patron’s curriculum as a discrete curricular area as well as an essential element informing and supporting the multi-denominational ethos of Community National Schools,
- begin to develop schools’ understanding of the vision and aims of the curriculum, elements and outcomes of each strand as well as relevant methodologies and pedagogies underpinning teaching and learning in GMGY,
- build schools’ confidence and competence to collaboratively plan for and teach the curriculum through discrete GMGY lessons as well as integrate GMGY into other curricular areas, as well as across the school environment, and reflect on learning from their practice.
For more information and to view the GMGY curriculum, please visit