IT in Education – A Digital School
One of the cornerstones of the vision for Lucan CNS and mission since opening in 2013 (under the direction of our DDLETB Director of Schools, Nichola Spokes – former Principal of Lucan CNS) has been to provide a model of primary education which is reflective of 21st century Ireland, and to ensure our pupils are adept at utilising digital technologies, which are playing an ever-increasing role in society and the workplace.
It is of paramount importance that children are given the opportunity to learn and use digital technology throughout the school day to broaden their learning across every aspect of the primary curriculum. Digital technology is used in Lucan CNS to support and enhance traditional learning methodologies.
Our school community has always recognised the importance and best practice of fostering and providing opportunities for all learning styles, allowing for our pupils to embrace and develop their own particular talents. Digital technology facilitates and underpins this – it has been shown time and time again to increase real engagement (active participation as opposed to just being present in a learning pace) – It promotes personalisation of learning as well as creativity and innovation. It is a key motivational tool and it develops 21st century transferable digital skills which our pupils will have for life.
That our children will pass us out, digitally speaking, is an inevitability! Children are like ‘sponges’ when it comes to absorbing information, and they are learning in this digital age. It is our role, therefore as educators and parents, to ensure safe and secure learning as our children grow and become more adept and absorb this new and advancing digital knowledge and technology.
At Lucan CNS, children from Junior Infants to First Class have access to school-owned iPads during the school day. At the end of First Class, parents purchase a 1:1 iPad from Wriggle for your child’s learning in school (and for homework!). This iPad is a ‘parent-bought’ (through Wriggle) and ‘school-managed’ educational device for the duration of your child’s education at Lucan CNS.
The reason that the iPads are bought through, and managed by Wriggle is that we need the iPads to be consistent, with a consistent layer of management. This ensures that DES, DDLETB and school child safeguarding standards are met, and that your child is safe while using their 1:1 iPad as an educational tool. Wriggle are partners of our patron the DDLETB with regard to digital technology management, and they are the company utilised by all schools under DDLETB patronage. The Mobile Device Management (MDM) system which Wriggle employs, known as Jamf, is the system which is recommended by Apple, for Apple mobile devices (e.g. iPads) utilised in an educational setting.
Safety our main consideration as our pupils progress through the school and become more adept in terms of digital technology. Wriggle’s MDM is a robust device management system which meets all Child Safeguarding necessities and ensures oversight and safe use of digital technology for our pupils.
To see some examples of the children using their iPads for various educational activities at Lucan CNS, please click here and/or see our Twitter page @LucanCNS
For contact details for Wriggle and an overview on parental purchasing of Wriggle iPads at the end of First Class, please click here.