Green Schools 2023/24
Term 1
Our Green Team have been really busy in Term 1. Their main focus has been on achieving the Water Flag in 2025. In order to achieve this flag we need to work together as a team to set out achievable water conservation measures around our school. The Green Team have come up with fantastic suggestions to help our school pave the way in our water conservation mission.
Members of The Green Schools Committee(1st -6th).
Some water saving suggestions from our team.
Term 2
In Term 2 representatives from the Green Team were invited to a Water Workshop (hosted by Green Schools Ireland) in Pearse Street Library. This workshop highlighted the importance of water in our lives and the many ways water can be conserved. A representative from Uisce Eireann informed the students about the processes water goes through before its ready for use. The students also got to participate in fun and engaging water quizzes and experiments.
What a fantastic day!
The Recycling Team
The Recyling Team meet every Thursday to collect the recycling bins. Each bin must be quality checked to ensure the contents are clean, dry and recyclable. Non-recyclable materials are removed and placed in the general waste bin. Well done to our wonderful green team for their continued hard work, effort and support.